
We are all loving beings. It is built into our Hearts, Spirits and Souls. Even the beauty of nature is love and if we notice it, it always surrounds us with love. The trees, flowers, birds and butterflies, all send us loving energy.

We seem to be so busy with our “To Do” list, we rush around and don’t notice the sky, clouds, even children playing in the park.

When we do notice an empty space inside ourselves, the space where love lives, we look outside our ourselves, hoping someone else can fill that empty space with love.

Yet, even if another person does love us, their love cannot fill that space and make us whole.

What can we do? Stop, look around, find nature, or Spirit or Divine Consciousness to anchor love inside yourself, bring it into that space. Smile, pay attention to it. Get used to it and enjoy the peace it brings you. After all it belongs to you ….and it is who you really are.

I love you!


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Becoming the Real Me

I looked in the mirror, but there was no one to see.
Only a reflection of what you would like me to be.

An outline was forming and becoming clear.
Who I am was appearing and coming near.

The sun tried my tears and healed my heart.
I have the power to enjoy a new start.

Choices are mine, they always were.
I am beauty and truth, no longer the old her.

I love you!

Susan Page

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We are all loving beings. It is built into our Hearts, Spirits and Souls. Even the beauty of nature is love and if we notice it, it always surrounds us with love. The trees, flowers, birds and butterflies, all send us loving energy.
We seem to be so busy with our “To Do” list, we rush around and don’t notice the sky, clouds, even children playing in the park.
When we do notice an empty space inside ourselves, the space where love lives, we look outside our ourselves, hoping someone else can fill that empty space with love.
Yet, even if another person does love us, their love cannot fill that space and make us whole.
What can we do? Stop, look around, find nature, or Spirit or Divine Consciousness to anchor love inside yourself, bring it home into that space. Smile, pay attention to it. Get used to it and enjoy the peace it brings you. After all it belongs to you ….and it is who you really are.
I love you!
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We all want to be happy, but reasons we justify as important issues keep getting in our way. Many of us think that once a problem is solved, we will be happy. However, it seems like something else always comes along to distract us and give us a new problem to solve.

What can we do? How about taking a step back from problems and looking at them like a glitch in the road, something that will eventually pass along in a stream of life’s issues.

Instead of dread and worry, how about thinking of new ways to be creative and even ask friends and family to join in and brainstorm solutions, or write a list of problems and ask your higher self for answers, listen to ideas in whispers or as clues as you move through your day.

It is important to be happy for yourself and those around you. Notice the flowers blooming, the trees swaying in the breeze, the children playing at the park, the dogs and cats who live in your home or down the street.

Make a smile list and look at it often. Use triggers around your home or at work to help you remember to smile.

Be happy and you will live in a happy world.

Peace, love and happiness to you!

I love you!

Susan Page




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Are we always waiting? For a bus, for a better job, for the love of our lives? For tomorrow when things will be more calm, hopefully have less to do, maybe a good surprise and a happier day?

Why isn’t this very moment good enough to stop and enjoy? Look around. Where are you? Find some beauty right there waiting to be noticed. A flower, a poem, a bubble bath, a good book, perhaps a child’s smile.

YOU, my love as part of the larger scope of life are absolutely perfect exactly as you are in this precious moment. Be grateful you are who you are. A unique individual in a swirling pool of life. Stand up for who you are, be proud and happy to contribute your energy, your smile, your personality to the rest of us. We can all feel you as we are all connected in the world of Spirit and creation.

You are meant to be here now….and be exactly who you are and where you are….right now while you are reading this. Your breath, flows in and out of your body and mingles with all of us.

Being you, gives each one of us permission to join you and be ourselves. Be Happy, and each one of us feels happy. Be loving and each one of us feels loved.

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Lets share our wisdom and our love. Lets raise the energy on the planet together.

I love you!
Susan Page

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A fiction Story by Susan Page

I was born in Alaska in a house my father built. I am a young man now. I like to sit in my rocker by the fire and remember a story he told me.

He would take a long slow puff on his pipe. He eyes glistened and became a window to his soul. “Son,” he would say, while he reached over, smiled and patted my knee. “I was born in an igloo. We were a small tribe of mostly family and a few friends who became family.”

He looked out the window, then he would stand and pace the wooden floor. “I only knew what a young boy would know, mostly from stories the elders told the children,” he said, “Until one day my father and I harnessed the dog sled and off we went in the direction of the mountains and the blue sky. I was happy! Only my father and me.

“Well after dark we stopped at a magical place. That was when I saw my first wooden house. It had doors and windows, furniture, you know, things I had never seen before.”

I pulled on my fathers hand, and looked up to his face. “Papa, when I grow up, I will have a wooden house.” The warmth of his smile filled me.

He took a deep breath. “All my childhood, I worked at menial jobs and saved my money for my house. When I married your mother I knew it was time. It was me and my friends who built this wooden house.”

He took another puff from his pipe. We both watched the smoke curl and disappear into the air. Then he continued. “One day I was sitting in the rocker where you sit now staring into that fire, when your mother sat on the floor by me.

She said, “My love, you have your beautiful wooden house, yet you look so sad!”

I remember squeezing her hand. I said, “My dear, I miss my Igloo.” She smiled. “Well, we can sell this house and go home to our family and friends.”

“No,” I said, “I will not go back. I will not build another igloo.”

The next day, your mother walked down the road through the snow and saw me building an igloo.”

“So, you are moving here.” she said. “You will live here and I will live in the wooden house. I will wait for you there.”

“Fear ran circles around me and through me. I grabbed her. “NO,” I said, “Then I will not miss my igloo, but my heart will be torn into rags because I will miss you.”

She laughed, the lines by her eyes crinkled.

I drew her close. “We will both live in the wooden house and when we want to remember the olden days, we will come here…..together. Before I met you I knew I didn’t just want a woman to live with, I wanted a woman I couldn’t live without.”

Then my father would sit back down and pat my knee again. Another puff on his pipe then he said, “You my son, must remember this always, don’t look for a woman you can live with. You must find a woman you cannot live without.”

I looked over at my wife as she brought our baby son to me. Tears came to my eyes. “Father,” I whispered to his memory standing next to me. “You are a very wise man. When my son is older, I will tell him your story and hopefully your story and your love will pass down for all generations to come. I honor you.”

I could swear I felt the warmth of his smile and I smelled the smoke from his pipe.

Channeled by Susan Page

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Precious Moments…..Falling in love with life

When you first wake up in the morning what is on your mind? Problems at home or work? A list of important tasks and errands? Complex situations and people to deal with?

Or perhaps you have moved into an almost movie or storybook reality of waking up smiling, singing a favorite song, being happy just to be alive? Not likely?

We know life is beautiful and it is whizzing by way too fast, but what can we do?

We have all heard about love and appreciation, but how can we focus there and still focus on these important issues?

How can we be even a little bit disassociated from all those things? How can we flow love into these tunnels of life we must go through like a soldier on a mission before the end of the day and then hopefully find light and peace?

We must “upgrade” our awareness by seeing the beauty of life and letting it into our world. You might feel alone, but please know love and the beauty of life are right here with us….and waiting for you to say, “hello” and welcome them.

How simple it is to say, “hello” and notice the beauty of a flower, the sky, and the trees swaying gently to the music of the breeze, the moon and the stars?

Be like the child you were when everything was new and exciting or pretend you are visiting from another planet, here for the first time. Awe inspired.

When you remember to notice the love and beauty of all of nature… will find the same love and beauty within yourself and within others.

Your world will change and you will do your part to raise the energy of our planet to love and peace for all of us. Share your love and others will share their love too.

I love you!


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Enlightenment Now

How is it possible to be enlightened now? The secret is love.  Love is a vibration and it is everywhere. How can you find that specific vibration? Simply go to a quiet safe space, close your eyes and imagine a golden ball over your head filled with love. Let that energy slowly come down into your body. Feel it filling every space from your head to your toes and your skin to your bones. Sit in that glow. Talk to it. Welcome it and invite it to become a part of your body and your thoughts. Practice this until you can own love as who you really are. Soon you will get used to having it and you will actually be love. If you notice it has faded or disappeared, you know how to get it back.

When you become love, you will have the experience of being a loving spirit in your body. When that happens, you can notice things, events and people who used to upset you don’t bother you anymore. It is because you are residing in a higher vibration and may even smile to yourself.

We all know we cannot change anyone else, but we can change ourselves. I know a lot of people who sincerely want to raise the energy on our planet. Being love is a way we can join together to make our world a more friendly and loving place to live.

Hold my hand in the vibration of love and together we can all live in the light, know truth, have wisdom and be happy.

I love you!




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Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!

Hi, I wish everyone a loving holiday season that gives you delightful memories to last a lifetime and a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

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A New Year is right around the corner!


Many of us make New Year’s resolutions for the New Year. We hope to keep them and our intentions are always good and sincere.

I would like to take this time to share my New Year’s resolution with you. I want to be more in the moment and enjoy each moment fully. I want to do this when I am writing on my blog as I am now, talking with you or well, not matter what I am doing. Even when I am alone I want to be aware of my surrounds, my feelings and my thoughts.

I would love for you to share your New Year’s resolutions with me!

Lots of love and many blessings to you!


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