Our Spiritual Love Connection

Coming out of the closet with our spiritual love connection –

If someone asks you who you are what would you say? Perhaps, I’m a mother or father, a lawyer, baker or Indian chief. We tend to identify with our, “roles” in life as who we are. Those roles are important as they carry a lot of weight for us. We have huge amounts of responsibility as part of those roles. People count on us. We must show up and be those roles, yet when we search ourselves deeper, those roles, although still very important can actually change, soften and become more clear…..and even “enlightened”.

“How can I do that?”

Underneath your roles and your emotions, emotions meaning ones we call negative like anger, resentment, frustration, being defensive, etc. and positive emotions such as compassion, love, joy and peace, we are something at the very core of ourselves that is not an emotion, that is really us.

At this point we do experience emotions, we are not Vulcans.  These emotions, negative and positive are usually triggered by something someone else does or says, (or doesn’t do or say.)  “He said he loves me, I’m on cloud 9” “She was mean to me. I’m going to stay away from her.”  We are always trying to find someone to make us feel connected, part of something, whole, loved and wanted. We don’t realize we are all in the same boat, all looking for the same thing. What a out of control roller coaster ride we are on. Now is the time to slow the roller coaster ride down, then stop it and get off.  “How, can I get off?”

By realizing you are a strong, powerful (powerful meaning you have the power to be your real self) Spiritual Being.

“How can I realize that?”

By coming out of the closet and being YOU!

“How can I when I’m stuck in my roles?”

By finding the YOU inside of the light and love that is inside of your Self.

“I get glimpses of it, but can’t hang on to it. How can I do that? What are the steps I can take?”

When you react to something someone says or does, stop and look inside yourself for the truth of why you reacted and what that other person is experiencing that caused him or her to do what they did.

  1. By taking the time and making it important to notice and appreciate as many things each day as you possibly can. That means for, yourself, nature, people, animals, places and things….everything.
  2. By saying, “I love you”. First and most often to yourself, then everyone else.

“How can I say I love you to everyone else? That doesn’t make sense?”

You are absolutely right! “It doesn’t make sense right now however, there are 1000’s of people just like you and me who are ready to say, “I love you!” Some are consciously aware of it and others are becoming aware.

A true story: I was at the grocery store the other day. I was checking out and somehow out of the blue the checker, a man maybe in his 30’s or 40’s started talking about love. I said I thought we should all be able to tell each other we love them, that it could change the world. To my surprise, he said he already does that….or did, until his girlfriend, (who didn’t understand) said how can I believe you love me, when you tell everyone that? (I understand in the Spanish language, they have many words for love, many different kinds of love. I sure wish the English language did too!)  Just then a man who was coming to bag my groceries came up and joined our conversation. I think our energy was so good, we attracted another bagger to come over and he joined us too. When I was ready to leave, all my groceries packed in my cart and as I turned to leave, all 3 of those men and I shouted I love you to each other! I left there feeling ecstatic! I’m not sure I noticed the reaction of other people in the store, but I seem to remember people smiling.

In English to use the words, “I love you” to everyone, we would just need to use common sense. If you meet a friend on the street, have a conversation, and then when parting said, “I love you”, you both would be clear about what you mean. Saying, “I love you” doesn’t need to mean I want to set up housekeeping with you.  It would be defined by the situation. If you were unclear, you can always start an interesting conversation about exactly what it means, how it made you feel and how wonderful love is.

If people (you) would be willing to talk to their (your) friends about, “coming out of the closet with love” and agree how wonderful it would be to give and receive the gift of love, it would be a start. You can always bring it up (without being obtrusive) and create a prior understanding.

Can you imagine, having someone say, “I love you” to you with love and joy in their heart, with enthusiasm in their voice and a light from deep inside them shining through their eyes? How would you feel? How would they feel? How would having that vibration and energy resonate out to others and travel the planet near and far feel to all of us?

What if saying, “I love you” from our hearts became viral! What if we (you and I) created heaven on earth after all!

What do you think? Please let me know.


Susan Page

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